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117,Calculation of maximum gasification capacity (bog) under storage tank operating conditions - Doer equipment

Classification:Forum PublishTime:2019-11-16 13:51:16

Calculation of maximum gasification capacity (bog) under storage tank operating conditions

The maximum gasification capacity of the storage tank under operating conditions shall consider the bog generated by ① static evaporation of the storage tank, ② flash vaporization generated by 450 m3 / h of the loading system, and ③ liquid flash vaporization of the LNG liquefaction unit. The bog generated when three situations occur at the same time shall be considered in the calculation.

Calculation process:

① Bog produced by static evaporation of storage tank:

W static = v ×η×ρ/ 24=20747 × 0.08% × 480/24=332Kg/h=415Nm ³/ h;

Where: v = π ×( 25/2)2 × 21.2=10406m ³, The amount of liquid contained at the design liquid level of the storage tank;

② Bog generated during filling of loading system:

The amount of bog generated by the loading system at 200m3 / h and the amount of bog generated by filling is about 1.5% according to the Aspen software simulation and the empirical data of the liquefaction plant;

W input = 200 * 480 * 1.5% = 1440kg / h = 1800nm ³/ h;

③ Flash vaporization caused by LNG inlet:

For 1 million m3 / D (gaseous) LNG plant, according to Aspen software simulation and empirical data, the liquid inlet flash capacity is about 1.5% of the total liquid inlet;

Gasification capacity is w input = 1000000 / 24 × 1.5%=625kg/h=781Nm ³/ h;

Therefore, under operating conditions, the maximum gasification capacity of the storage tank is:

W = w static + W output + W input = 415 + 1800 + 781 = 2996nm ³/ h。

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