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China New Energy - 10000 m3 LNG Full Capacity Tank

Classification:Past Projects PublishTime:2019-05-16 13:13:27

China New Energy - 10000 m3 LNG Full  Capacity Tank

At 5:00 p.m. on June 27, 2017, with the general director of the project commissioning saying "open the liquid inlet control valve of the storage tank, and the storage tank is ready for liquid inlet", the central control room of the national new energy Shanxi Yuncheng LNG (liquefied natural gas) peak shaving project was full of jubilation, with 300 days of high-efficiency and high-quality construction and 72 hours of continuous commissioning, The 10000 cubic meter LNG full capacity tank carrying too many dreams of duels has been completed!

LNG low temperature atmospheric pressure storage tank is an important part of natural gas liquefaction project, and it is the storage and transfer unit of products. Its engineering quality is directly related to the economic and social benefits of the whole project. The LNG product storage unit in this project is a 10000 cubic full capacity tank built by Suzhou duel with many years of construction experience and technology accumulation.

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